Dhadrianwale - Search Results

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Total 3216 records found matching your search: "wale".

Your kids will be proud of you for your principles

Dhadrianwale Video - Your kids will be proud of you for your principles

Videos Added on: 2020-02-18 08:53:56

It is not your wealth, business or status that makes your kinds proud of yourself. It is your principles that will do it. No one truly respects someone without principles in life. Dhadrianwale insi

It will be our loss if we fail to feel the God in nature

Dhadrianwale Video - It will be our loss if we fail to feel the God in nature

Videos Added on: 2020-02-18 08:49:40

Dhadrianwale believe in nature and emphasize that the God is embedded within the nature. We need to understand this fact. We will end us regretting unless we think, feel and understand this.

Own brother looks bad if he tells us the right way

Dhadrianwale Video - Own brother looks bad if he tells us the right way

Videos Added on: 2020-02-18 08:45:44

Dhadrianwale sometime touches very basic life issues. In this video he speaks about our reaction if someone tells us the right way. He says that  sometimes people dont like their own brother if he

They ask to use violence after send their kids abroad

Dhadrianwale Video - They ask to use violence after send their kids abroad

Videos Added on: 2020-02-18 08:37:50

In time of intellectual days, some people favour the way of violance. Dhadrianwale has always been in favour of peacful living. He has spoken against violance on many occassions, even after a  dead

Forget that you can declare us another Nirankaria

Dhadrianwale Video - Forget that you can declare us another Nirankaria

Videos Added on: 2020-02-11 12:15:35

Some statements were floating by some anti-gurmat powers to declare Dhadrianwale as second nirankari. Bhai Ranjit Singh responded to this laughable statement. He cleared in this video that such peo

Who is Responsible for Tarantaran accedent

Dhadrianwale Video - Who is Responsible for Tarantaran accedent

Videos Added on: 2020-02-10 15:14:47

There was a massive blast in TaranTaran when a truck full of crackers blown away. Statments from panthic authorities are incomplete without mentioning the actual reason for this incedent. Dhadrianw

Why Guru Sahib adressed himself as a worthless being

Dhadrianwale Video - Why Guru Sahib adressed himself as a worthless being

Videos Added on: 2020-02-10 15:10:04

Dhadrianwale explaining that How humble Guru Sahib was when he addressed himself as a worthless being.

Approach the court that has no obstruction

Dhadrianwale Video - Approach the court that has no obstruction

Videos Added on: 2020-02-10 15:02:07

People have their own faith and attachments. Everyone follows one order or the other. All these paths have one obstruction or the other. People are kept from performing one act or the other. Dhadri

Conversion of sikhs happened a long time ago

Dhadrianwale Video - Conversion of sikhs happened a long time ago

Videos Added on: 2020-02-07 09:49:31

Sikhs are infact got converted a long time ago when they embraced anti-gurmat rituals and practices. Dhadrianwale calls it the mental conversion. Bhai Ranjit Singh is explaining in this video how t

We wont let the people face any loss

Dhadrianwale Video - We wont let the people face any loss

Videos Added on: 2020-02-07 09:42:52

Dhadrianwale speaking about taksal protest agains his kirtan diwans. A bunch of people with bad intensions are trying to disturb the peace in kirtan diwans. Bhai Ranjit Singh assured the sangat tha

People may be ready to die for you but how

Dhadrianwale Video - People may be ready to die for you but how

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 10:13:59

Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale speaking about loyality. He explains how people can trust you so much that they will be willing to die for you.

My fight is not personal gains

Dhadrianwale Video - My fight is not personal gains

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 10:11:08

Dhadrianwale says in this video that all his concerns he is fighting for are not for his personal gains.

The new Corona Virus hits China

Dhadrianwale Video - The new Corona Virus hits China

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 09:54:00

Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa spreading awareness about newly discovered  deadly virous "Corona". Dhadrianwale is speaing about this virus as it has claimed over 300 lives so far and spread in many cont

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Sangats' Feedback

"You have helped to open my eyes"
Thank you Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadriwale. I have been raised in USA. I was so confused with the Sikh teachings because I didn't understand them. I started listening to you when you came to Yuba City in 2016. The way you teach and preach has helped me so much to learn about the Gurus and Sikhi. Thank you brother for your wisdom and teaching. You have helped to open my eyes. Thank you brother and continue the good work you are doing. We support you!
_ Amandeep Kandola, Californa - USA

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