Dhadrianwale - Search Results

You can search audio, video and all other content about Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale on this Search Page.

Total 586 records found matching your search: "video".

Ravidas Ji is Bhagat or Satguru

Dhadrianwale Video - Ravidas Ji is Bhagat or Satguru

Videos Added on: 2019-02-24 09:37:08

Many people have this confusion that Ravidas Ji should be called as Bhagat or Satguru? Bhai Ranjit Singh ji is talking on this issue in the video. It was recorded on 19Feb2019 at Shambhu - Rajpura,

Sadde Faraj hi Sadda Dharam Hai

Dhadrianwale Video - Sadde Faraj hi Sadda Dharam Hai

Videos Added on: 2019-02-24 08:13:31

Gurmat pholosophy highlights the fact that handling our responsibilities towards our family and society is as equal as other other religious duties. Bhai Sahib speaks in this video on how to playin

How to experience Nature

Dhadrianwale Video - How to experience Nature

Videos Added on: 2021-05-10 10:40:43

Dhadrianwale is talking about the omnipresent power that resides within its own creation - nature. He explains in this video, that how can we experience the creator within the creation. Bhai Ranjit

Learn to be complete and happy with yourself

Dhadrianwale Video - Learn to be complete and happy with yourself

Videos Added on: 2021-04-29 15:22:27

We all have complaints about others. We rely on other to be happy. Dhadrianwale explains in this motivational video about how to be complete within your own self. This way we can by happy with ours

Before Resting at Night Plan for the Next Day

Dhadrianwale Video - Before Resting at Night Plan for the Next Day

Videos Added on: 2021-04-20 13:23:31

Dhadrianwale put too much focus on personal development and life improvement. He advises everyone to manage the time. In this video, Bhai Ranjit Singh is explaining how it can improve your day and

The relationship between Religion and Spirituality

The relationship between Religion and Spirituality

Articles Added on: 2021-01-07 13:57:52

Spirituality is a concept with many possibilities and perspectives. It generally includes a sense of link to a thing larger than what are and we can comprehend. It mostly require a need of searching f...

Why does the joy of life ends

Dhadrianwale Video - Why does the joy of life ends

Videos Added on: 2020-05-31 13:28:50

Why does the joy of life ends. Dhadrianwale discussed in this short video about how to maintain the joy and purpose of life.

Religion and Science complement each other

Dhadrianwale Video - Religion and Science complement each other

Videos Added on: 2020-04-27 12:39:46

Some people recently started a propoganda that Dhadrian wale ignores religion over sceince. Dhadrianwale in fact praised sceince as extention of laws of nature and creation. He explaines in this vi

Beauty and ugliness

Dhadrianwale Video - Beauty and ugliness

Videos Added on: 2020-04-27 09:48:00

The real definition of beautiful and ugly is described by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale in this short video clip.

What is similairty in Sin and Good act

Dhadrianwale Video - What is similairty in Sin and Good act

Videos Added on: 2020-04-25 11:55:32

Acts are mostly categorized as a good act or a sin. There are something common in them. Dhadrianwale explains in this video about how both Sin and Good act are similar.

Most people want to be praised to feed their ego

Dhadrianwale Video - Most people want to be praised to feed their ego

Videos Added on: 2020-04-23 13:32:35

People are hungry for attention and appreciation. Dhadrianwale speaking in this video on this topic. Hoe people end up going odd ways to feed their ego.

Parcharak babe are found in every street

Dhadrianwale Video - Parcharak babe are found in every street

Videos Added on: 2020-04-23 09:04:26

Dhadrianwale is talking about fake self claimed parcharak babe in this video. He says that you will find one under every stone, which means there are a lot of them. These fake Godmen play with trus

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Sangats' Feedback

"Thanks for yout logical and thruthful gurmat teachings"
Dear Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa Ji, I want to thank you for your logical, practical and truthful gurmat teaching which is 100% right. Personally I am 100% behind the stand that you are taking. The corrupt Sikh establishment system that pushes false teachings/literature and seeks only to make money and makes zero positive contribution to the lives of ordinary Sikhs is totally worthless and irrelevant. The actions of these corrupt people are unforgivable. The Guru Sahibs gave us a priceless Sikhi and demonstrated how to live by it in reality. It is up to every individual honest Sikh to personally reject these corrupt people and also make a stand in this age of democracy/freedom of thinking. Thank you once more.
_ Kuldip Singh, Bedford - United Kingdom

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