Jogiya Matwaaro Re - Shabad - Bhai Sarbjeet Singh - Jatha G Parmeshar Dwar - DhadrianWale

jogIAw mqvwro ry

Shabad MP3 Audio by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian wale at Parmeshardwar

Gurbani Shabad

  • rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 Gru 2
  • <> siqgur pRswid ]
  • cwir pukwrih nw qU mwnih ]
  • Ktu BI eykw bwq vKwnih ]
  • ds AstI imil eyko kihAw ]
  • qw BI jogI Bydu n lihAw ]1]
  • ikMkurI AnUp vwjY ]
  • jogIAw mqvwro ry ]1] rhwau ]
  • pRQmy visAw sq kw KyVw ]
  • iqRqIey mih ikCu BieAw duqyVw ]
  • duqIAw ArDo AriD smwieAw ]
  • eyku rihAw qw eyku idKwieAw ]2]
  • eykY sUiq proey mxIey ]
  • gwTI iBin iBin iBin iBin qxIey ]
  • iPrqI mwlw bhu ibiD Bwie ]
  • iKMicAw sUqu q AweI Qwie ]3]
  • chu mih eykY mtu hY kIAw ]
  • qh ibKVy Qwn Aink iKVkIAw ]
  • Kojq Kojq duAwry AwieAw ]
  • qw nwnk jogI mhlu Gru pwieAw ]4]
  • ieau ikMkurI AwnUp vwjY ]
  • suix jogI kY min mITI lwgY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]1]12]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Raag Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl, Second House:
  • One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
  • The four Vedas proclaim it, but you don't believe them.
  • The six Shaastras also say one thing.
  • The eighteen Puraanas all speak of the One God.
  • Even so, Yogi, you do not understand this mystery. ||1||
  • The celestial harp plays the incomparable melody,
  • but in your intoxication, you do not hear it, O Yogi. ||1||Pause||
  • In the first age, the Golden Age, the village of truth was inhabited.
  • In the Silver Age of Traytaa Yuga, things began to decline.
  • In the Brass Age of Dwaapur Yuga, half of it was gone.
  • Now, only one leg of Truth remains, and the One Lord is revealed. ||2||
  • The beads are strung upon the one thread.
  • By means of many, various, diverse knots, they are tied, and kept separate on the string.
  • The beads of the mala are lovingly chanted upon in many ways.
  • When the thread is pulled out, the beads come together in one place. ||3||
  • Throughout the four ages, the One Lord made the body His temple.
  • It is a treacherous place, with several windows.
  • Searching and searching, one comes to the Lord's door.
  • Then, O Nanak, the Yogi attains a home in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||4||
  • Thus, the celestial harp plays the incomparable melody;
  • hearing it, the Yogi's mind finds it sweet. ||1||Second Pause||1||12||

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Sangats' Feedback

"I am a Punjabi and have been listening to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji discourses"
I am a Punjabi and have been listening to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji's discourses. In my view, his messages are not only for Sikhs but affect other people too who may not be sikhs (I am myself a non-sikh). I feel that some of the discourses need to be translated to Hindi and English to start with.
_ D D Rishi, Vadodhara

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