Don't insult yourself by scrambling with police | Dhadrian Wale

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Clip Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Dhadrianwale speaks about the incident in patiala where a group on Nihang sikhs attacked police in Corona Lockdown. 
Police blocked the local vegetable market in order to implement lockdown and maintain social distencing due COVID-19 breakdown. This Nihang group wanted to enter the marked without a curfew pass. When police denied them entry, there ran over their Tata pickup vehicle over the barricade and made a forced entry to market. When police tried to control them, the group came out of vehicle and attacked police with swords and rods etc. One Nihang cut-off hand of an ASI. The group then ran away from the spot in there pickup. Later police raided the Dera where this group belonged and arrested 8 people. There are reports that Police also recovered many arms and drugs from their place. 

puils nwl h`QwpweI krky kom dw jlUs nw kFwE
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Sangats' Feedback

"Intepretation of Gurbani with examples from contemporary realities of life are so beautifully explained in samagams"
During lockdown came across preaching's of Dhadrianwale Ji. Intepretation of Gurbani with examples from contemporary realities of life are so beautifully explained in samagams. Born into sikh religion, but was blindly following it, without really knowing true meanings. Though my parents were followers of Sant Ishar Singh Rarewale. After his demise our visits to rara sahib became less frequent. When i grew up always has spiritual inclination but could not relate to Sikhism. Joined Art of Living, through which learnt sudarshan kriya, always felt SGPC did not do anything to promote teachings of sikhism among youth and all age groups. But really happy to listen to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji, his understanding of contemporary issues and relating it with Gurbani is commendable on all issues such as female foeticide, greed, anger, girl child, farmer suicides, family problems and inter-personal relations. What even intellectuals could not do, bhai ji is doing reaching out to people and working on consciousness raising of people. Would like to seek appointment to meet him in person, to seek his blessing.
_ Dr Upneet Kaur, Punjab University - Chandigarh

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