Har Jan Ram Naam Gun Gaave | DhadrianWale

hir jnu rwm nwm gun gwvY

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Gurbani Shabad Kirtan by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale

hir jnu rwm nwm gun gwvY
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Gurbani Shabad

  • bYrwVI mhlw 4 ]
  • hir jnu rwm nwm gun gwvY ]
  • jy koeI inMd kry hir jn kI Apunw gunu n gvwvY ]1] rhwau ]
  • jo ikCu kry su Awpy suAwmI hir Awpy kwr kmwvY ]
  • hir Awpy hI miq dyvY suAwmI hir Awpy boil bulwvY ]1]
  • hir Awpy pMc qqu ibsQwrw ivic DwqU pMc Awip pwvY ]
  • jn nwnk siqguru myly Awpy hir Awpy Jgru cukwvY ]2]3]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Bairaaree, Fourth Mehl:
  • The Lord's humble servant sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name.
  • Even if someone slanders the Lord's humble servant, he does not give up his own goodness. ||1||Pause||
  • Whatever the Lord and Master does, He does by Himself; the Lord Himself does the deeds.
  • The Lord and Master Himself imparts understanding; the Lord Himself inspires us to speak. ||1||
  • The Lord Himself directs the evolution of the world of the five elements; He Himself infuses the five senses into it.
  • O servant Nanak, the Lord Himself unites us with the True Guru; He Himself resolves the conflicts. ||2||3||
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Sangats' Feedback

"I am a new person"
Dear Bhai Sahib, I am sehajdhari and soon will take amrit. I am a carpenter with less education. I had so many confusions earlier. I am listening your kirtan for last 2 years. All my confusions are solved. I am even able to answers questions to other people who are still living in blind faith and follow useless brahmanvadi rituals. Thank you very much for sending gurbani true message to sangat. I pray for your chardi kala.
_ Dipender Singh - London

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