Think over such wisdom o my mind | Dhadrian Wale

AYsw igAwnu ibcwru mnw

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Think over such wisdom o my mind. Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale explains this shabad that asks oneself to follow the true divine wisdom.

AYsw igAwnu ibcwru mnw
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Gurbani Shabad

  • jb lgu myrI myrI krY ]
  • qb lgu kwju eyku nhI srY ]
  • jb myrI myrI imit jwie ]
  • qb pRB kwju svwrih Awie ]1]
  • AYsw igAwnu ibcwru mnw ]
  • hir kI n ismrhu duK BMjnw ]1] rhwau ]
  • jb lgu isMGu rhY bn mwih ]
  • qb lgu bnu PUlY hI nwih ]
  • jb hI isAwru isMG kau Kwie ]
  • PUil rhI sglI bnrwie ]2]
  • jIqo bUfY hwro iqrY ]
  • gur prswdI pwir auqrY ]
  • dwsu kbIru khY smJwie ]
  • kyvl rwm rhhu ilv lwie ]3]6]14]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • As long as he cries out, Mine! Mine!,
  • none of his tasks is accomplished.
  • When such possessiveness is erased and removed,
  • then God comes and resolves his affairs. ||1||
  • Contemplate such spiritual wisdom, O mortal man.
  • Why not meditate in remembrance on the Lord, the Destroyer of pain? ||1||Pause||
  • As long as the tiger lives in the forest,
  • the forest does not flower.
  • But when the jackal eats the tiger,
  • then the entire forest flowers. ||2||
  • The victorious are drowned, while the defeated swim across.
  • By Guru's Grace, one crosses over and is saved.
  • Slave Kabeer speaks and teaches:
  • remain lovingly absorbed, attuned to the Lord alone. ||3||6||14||
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"We are fortunate to experience his presence"
Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale, a person who gives a simple understanding and view on real Sikhism. Very clear thoughts and makes so sense and that is why so many youth are always eager to listen to his diwans and appreciate his service. We are fortunate to experience his presence.
_ Daljit Singh, Fresno - USA

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