Tirath Hamra Har Ko Naam | Dhadrian Wale

qIrQu hmrw hir ko nwmu

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Guru Manyo Granth Chetna Samagam -  Tirath Hamra Har Ko Naam 

qIrQu hmrw hir ko nwmu
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Gurbani Shabad

  • BYrau mhlw 5 ]
  • nwmu lYq mnu prgtu BieAw ]
  • nwmu lYq pwpu qn qy gieAw ]
  • nwmu lYq sgl purbwieAw ]
  • nwmu lYq ATsiT mjnwieAw ]1]
  • qIrQu hmrw hir ko nwmu ]
  • guir aupdyisAw qqu igAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
  • nwmu lYq duKu dUir prwnw ]
  • nwmu lYq Aiq mUV suigAwnw ]
  • nwmu lYq prgit aujIAwrw ]
  • nwmu lYq Cuty jMjwrw ]2]
  • nwmu lYq jmu nyiV n AwvY ]
  • nwmu lYq drgh suKu pwvY ]
  • nwmu lYq pRBu khY swbwis ]
  • nwmu hmwrI swcI rwis ]3]
  • guir aupdysu kihE iehu swru ]
  • hir kIriq mn nwmu ADwru ]
  • nwnk auDry nwm punhcwr ]
  • Avir krm lokh pqIAwr ]4]12]25]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
  • Repeating the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal is exalted and glorified.
  • Repeating the Naam, sin is banished from the body.
  • Repeating the Naam, all festivals are celebrated.
  • Repeating the Naam, one is cleansed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines. ||1||
  • My sacred shrine of pilgrimage is the Name of the Lord.
  • The Guru has instructed me in the true essence of spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause||
  • Repeating the Naam, the mortal's pains are taken away.
  • Repeating the Naam, the most ignorant people become spiritual teachers.
  • Repeating the Naam, the Divine Light blazes forth.
  • Repeating the Naam, one's bonds are broken. ||2||
  • Repeating the Naam, the Messenger of Death does not draw near.
  • Repeating the Naam, one finds peace in the Court of the Lord.
  • Repeating the Naam, God gives His Approval.
  • The Naam is my true wealth. ||3||
  • The Guru has instructed me in these sublime teachings.
  • The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises and the Naam are the Support of the mind.
  • Nanak is saved through the atonement of the Naam.
  • Other actions are just to please and appease the people. ||4||12||25||
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Sangats' Feedback

"Intepretation of Gurbani with examples from contemporary realities of life are so beautifully explained in samagams"
During lockdown came across preaching's of Dhadrianwale Ji. Intepretation of Gurbani with examples from contemporary realities of life are so beautifully explained in samagams. Born into sikh religion, but was blindly following it, without really knowing true meanings. Though my parents were followers of Sant Ishar Singh Rarewale. After his demise our visits to rara sahib became less frequent. When i grew up always has spiritual inclination but could not relate to Sikhism. Joined Art of Living, through which learnt sudarshan kriya, always felt SGPC did not do anything to promote teachings of sikhism among youth and all age groups. But really happy to listen to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji, his understanding of contemporary issues and relating it with Gurbani is commendable on all issues such as female foeticide, greed, anger, girl child, farmer suicides, family problems and inter-personal relations. What even intellectuals could not do, bhai ji is doing reaching out to people and working on consciousness raising of people. Would like to seek appointment to meet him in person, to seek his blessing.
_ Dr Upneet Kaur, Punjab University - Chandigarh

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