Why dont we like the real Baba Nanak | Dhadrian Wale

AslI bwbw nwnk swnMU psMd nhI Aw skdw

Clip Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Guru Nanak's philosophy is the real Guru Nanak and majority of orthodox pujari are going in opposite direction. Dhadrianwale talks in detail about Who is real Guru Nanak and why people can't to his way.

AslI bwbw nwnk swnMU psMd nhI Aw skdw
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Sangats' Feedback

"We dont live by actual message of Gurbani"
Sat siri Akal I have been hearing the videos by Sh Dhandiarvale.Your message that the God is within you is definitely the message by Guru Nanak throughout Gurbani. We are not living by it. I have been feeling that we have not understood gurbani and only going by the visible meanings of the Gurbani and do not go into depth of the words which are for Personal and Spiritual development of the man.
_ Major Surinder Singh, Punjab

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