Dhadrianwale - Search Results

You can search audio, video and all other content about Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale on this Search Page.

Total 3118 records found matching your search: "dhadrian".

Why Guru Sahib adressed himself as a worthless being

Dhadrianwale Video - Why Guru Sahib adressed himself as a worthless being

Videos Added on: 2020-02-10 15:10:04

Dhadrianwale explaining that How humble Guru Sahib was when he addressed himself as a worthless being.

Approach the court that has no obstruction

Dhadrianwale Video - Approach the court that has no obstruction

Videos Added on: 2020-02-10 15:02:07

People have their own faith and attachments. Everyone follows one order or the other. All these paths have one obstruction or the other. People are kept from performing one act or the other. Dhadri

Conversion of sikhs happened a long time ago

Dhadrianwale Video - Conversion of sikhs happened a long time ago

Videos Added on: 2020-02-07 09:49:31

Sikhs are infact got converted a long time ago when they embraced anti-gurmat rituals and practices. Dhadrianwale calls it the mental conversion. Bhai Ranjit Singh is explaining in this video how t

We wont let the people face any loss

Dhadrianwale Video - We wont let the people face any loss

Videos Added on: 2020-02-07 09:42:52

Dhadrianwale speaking about taksal protest agains his kirtan diwans. A bunch of people with bad intensions are trying to disturb the peace in kirtan diwans. Bhai Ranjit Singh assured the sangat tha

People may be ready to die for you but how

Dhadrianwale Video - People may be ready to die for you but how

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 10:13:59

Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale speaking about loyality. He explains how people can trust you so much that they will be willing to die for you.

My fight is not personal gains

Dhadrianwale Video - My fight is not personal gains

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 10:11:08

Dhadrianwale says in this video that all his concerns he is fighting for are not for his personal gains.

The new Corona Virus hits China

Dhadrianwale Video - The new Corona Virus hits China

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 09:54:00

Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa spreading awareness about newly discovered  deadly virous "Corona". Dhadrianwale is speaing about this virus as it has claimed over 300 lives so far and spread in many cont

Please answer my questions Jathedar Ji

Dhadrianwale Video - Please answer my questions Jathedar Ji

Videos Added on: 2020-02-05 09:50:10

Dhadrianwale asking question to Jathedar Akal Takhs Sahib in this poem. Bhai Ranjit Singh has raised these concerns on several occasions but Jathedar seems to have no answers to such valid question

We never avoid to discuss

Dhadrianwale Video - We never avoid to discuss

Videos Added on: 2020-01-31 16:00:07

We never run away from any discussion. Dhadrianwale says in this video that he never avoid the discussions.

Few words about monthly kirtan samagam

Dhadrianwale Video - Few words about monthly kirtan samagam

Videos Added on: 2020-01-31 15:57:53

Dhadrianwale talking about monthly gurbani kirtan samagams.

Why did sikhs not develop intellectually

Dhadrianwale Video - Why did sikhs not develop intellectually

Videos Added on: 2020-01-31 15:52:59

Dhadrianwale speaking on cruicial topic of intellectual development in sikhs. He discusses the reason behind it in this video.

Do ghost exist for real

Dhadrianwale Video - Do ghost exist for real

Videos Added on: 2020-01-31 15:46:56

Dhadrianwale is speaking about existance of Ghosts and evil spirits.

They claim they can bless with a baby boy

Dhadrianwale Video - They claim they can bless with a baby boy

Videos Added on: 2020-01-25 16:43:35

Dhadrianwale exposing fake babe who claim to posses powers to bless someone with male baby.

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Sangats' Feedback

"You are carrying the light and message of our visionary Baba Nanak"
Guys - yes will call you guys - if Baba Nanak was around today he will call you Guys as he sees no difference in people who are one and equal to the creator. Guys, you are carrying the light and message of our visionary Baba Nanak which is forgotten and distorted by many generations. Thank you for doing what you are going and keep faith. There are many who may not be identified as Sikh but we share the same values of Baba Nanak and his message. Guys you all are doing a good work by keeping the message alive...bless you all....
_ Richard Lal, UK

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